Physical anthropology


Arnie Daniel Schoenberg

Palabras clave:

Antropologia física, Antropologia, Antropologia biológica


Anthropology is mostly based on science. Anthropology is holistic. The four main subfields of anthropology are cultural anthropology, physical (biological) anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics. Focus questions: What is physical anthropology? How is it a part of anthropology? How does it use science? How is physical anthropology different from other fields that use science? This class is an introduction to physical anthropology, but for many it will be your first anthropology class, or perhaps your first science class in college, so it is worthwhile to back up and introduce both science and anthropology. And before talking about science, we should back up even farther, and talk about epistemology, the study of how we know things.


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setembro 14, 2022


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